Woman sees elderly and blind Arctic fox dumped in dog shelter and jumps to save him


The Arctic is home to the Arctic fox, which can be found there. On slopes and tundra close to the ocean, they are most frequently seen. Arctic foxes are a species of least concern because they are a widespread species with stable populations numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Many individuals want to own a fox as a pet, despite the fact that all fox species are considered wild animals. Individuals can only buy foxes in 15 states, though. Within these 15 states, all foxes are prohibited.

It is believed that foxes are untamed predators and “inherently dangerous.” Being active, extremely loud, and driven by instinct to demarcate their territory makes them difficult to care for.

When he was eight years old, an abandoned blind Arctic fox named Archie was brought to a Colorado dog shelter. He had either been abandoned by his owners or they were unable to provide for him adequately.

He came from Colorado and wound up at a fox rescue in Minnesota—a place he loathed. As long as he was there, he didn’t want to leave or interact with other foxes. He ultimately wound up at Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue, a two-part rescue effort.

For foxes raised in captivity and not suitable for release, the first step is to construct a permanent residence. Wildlife rehabilitation for native species to New York is the second element, with the goal of reintroducing the animals to the wild.

“When Archie first arrived, he was obviously quite shy, but what’s really amazing is that Archie, fast forward a little bit, has really come out of his shell,” Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue founder Kimberly DeFisher said.

Archie interprets the term “touch” to mean “treat,” and he consents to Kimberly touching him after she has warned him against it.

Archie knows his limitations because he was born blind, according to Kimberly, who told GeoBeats Animals that he occasionally bumps into things. In addition, Lulu, a sweetheart of his, keeps Archie amused.

When Tundra and Cleo, another fox pair at the shelter, are available, Archie and Lulu may occasionally go play with them.

People frequently enquire as to why I devote so much time and attention to these animals, which some may consider to be undeserving.

I’ve seen what a wonderful life can do for them, and seeing that has further fueled my desire to work more with Archie to give him the best life possible,” Kimberly continued.

She remarked that this encounter had been more enjoyable than she had anticipated and that Archie was living his best life.

Numerous the animals in her care lack the instincts of their wild counterparts, according to Kimberly. They were unable to gather enough food on their own, hunt, or combat the weather.

She also emphasized Archie’s approaching 10th birthday, which is the average lifespan of an Arctic fox. He will live out his remaining years with delight and enjoyment thanks to Kimberly’s efforts.

She continued, “I feel grateful and humbled to have this chance to forge this connection with him.

Archie has received praise from more over a million viewers of this video.

Archie is gorgeous. I’m grateful you were able to save him; every animal should be loved and treated with consideration. One reviewer remarked, “He’s as gorgeous as ever.

An animal is never “too old” or “not worth the time and effort,” according to this statement. Another person remarked, “Thank you, Arctic Fox Daily, and everyone who understands the incomparable importance of the creatures with whom we share our homes.”

We hope that a lot of people will think twice before buying a fox because of all the unique requirements they have that require a lot of time and effort to meet. Many dogs at shelters ought to have homes since they are easier to care for when they are at home.

Arctic fox Archie, who is blind, is shown in the video below!

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