Web Goes Loopy Over Lovely Black Labrador With Vitiligo

A dog with vitiligo will serve as a reminder that everyone of us is beautiful regardless of how we seem.

Numerous individuals and animals suffer the disorder vitiligo, in which the pigment cells of the skin degenerate.

People sometimes feel self-conscious about physical ailments, but a dog with vitiligo will serve as a gentle reminder that we are all attractive regardless of how we seem

Meet Blaze, a Labrador Retriever who is 10 years old and resides in Finland with his father, Santeri Frilander. He was born with an all-black coat, however vitiligo spots began a year ago, they started spreading throughout his body.

The white hue began to spread from a small area on his ear, according to Frilander.

It’s interesting to note that all of his siblings and sisters are still one color.

It appears that Blaze has vitiligo. Although it affects humans more frequently, it can also affect dogs.

But this doesn’t stop him from enjoying his day-to-day activities. Despite his new appearance, he is completely healthy and active because

Vitiligo has no other effects besides how it makes people look.

His father remarked, “He is always eager to go wherever you go.” He even likes road trips in his car.

“Blaze just became popular when his father posted images of him online. People fall in love with him and can’t get enough of his captivating beauty.

Santeri stated, “He wants to make people happy and make them smile. He has acquired a lot of nicknames and is now 10 years out of date.

Due to his advanced age, including “The Old Man” and “The Humorous Old Man.”

“Interestingly, all of his brothers and sisters still remain single-colored”

Image credits: https: memorizedbyeveliinanokelainen

Santeri said that for his beloved dog, the white patches are just cosmetic

Image credits: blazethedog__

“Blaze is a healthy and very energetic guy. He’s always ready to join you wherever you go. He even loves to travel inside a car”

Blaze has lived with the same family since he was a puppy

“He is 10 years old now, and has received a few nicknames because of his age, like ‘The Old Man’ and ‘The Funny Old Man’”

“He likes to make people happy and put a smile on their faces”

Image credits: blazethedog__

Even though Blaze is everyone’s friend, he likes to explore deserted places as well

Image credits: blazethedog__

“Blaze loves to walk in the woods and swim in the lake”

Image credits: blazethedog__

“In winter, he likes to play in the snow. He is always ready to go for a walk outside”

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

Image credits: blazethedog__

That being said, his favorite thing is to sit next to the dining table and wait for snacks. “You cannot resist those brown eyes,” Santeri admitted

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