Transformation of Two Baby Kittens Found Abandoned on the Street

This is the story of two baby kittens that were found abandoned on the street near to some garbage bins.

Both of them were covered in fleas, they were very dirty and obviously very hungry.

Valia, the caring lady who rescued the baby kittens, has already cared for and fostered many homeless dogs.

She lives in Greece where stray cats and dogs are a big problem, there are so many and the local people do not seem to care about them.

Thankfully there are people like Valia who care for them and spend time trying to educate people into changing their attitude.

Valia explains: “This is the story of my baby kittens. Like so many other kittens, they were abandoned like trash. Don’t ask why, or how, or by who. It doesn’t matter. This is what we are dealing with here.” 

“The people abandoning kittens and puppies in trash are not monsters. They are everyday people, usually senior or elderly, who follow a tradition that has been going on for years,” she adds.

Watch the video to see their progress:

Valia tells us: “There are millions of stray cats in Greece, and my baby kittens Sunny and Pamuk are two of the luckiest ones. Most suffer horrible deaths sealed inside plastic bags, never rescued, never give a chance to live.”

Valia was so nervous when she first found them as baby kittens can be very fragile and sensitive. 

“I just didn’t know if they’d make it or not. But they did, and today they are two adorable two month old kittens, social, and playful and funny. They love life. They fought hard to be here, and they deserve the best.”

Living with Valia and her four rescue dogs is the best possible start in life they could have wished for.

Take a look at this follow up video:

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