Tiniest Dog Rescued From Puppy Mill Is Introduced To His First Ever Friend


An cute Shih-Tzu puppy named Ruggles is introduced. He was relocated to a different location where a new life might start.

To symbolize this new beginning, a new friend was introduced to him, and their unexpected friend was also rescued from a bad situation. At only two days old, the lone kitten named Chompers was found hiding beneath a porch. In the video down below, they first cross paths.

Ruggles and Chompers were both adopted into loving homes, despite their difficult beginnings, and are happy and well now! The Cherokee County Animal Shelter, where Ruggles was saved, later appointed him as its official spokesperson. In order to inform children about puppy mills and shelter dogs, the dog now visits classrooms.For those who are curious about why they weren’t adopted together, that was the shelter’s original intention, but Chompers (true to her name!) grew too rough with young Ruggles, and because of his health issues, it was decided that it was in both animals’ best interests to be adopted separately. They both feel cherished and joyful.

The video is below; click to watch it.

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