This Playful, Two-Legged, One-Eared Cat Will Definitely Capture Your Heart

Everyone, meet Esperança–a cat who was born with two legs and one ear. But despite her missing ear and limbs, Esperança is a beautiful, happy, and very playful cat. And we’re positive that this beautiful cat will capture your heart.

Hope, that’s what her name means. And she never did lose hope. Esperança was rescued by a woman in Brazil. The woman and her family took her in and gave her the home and the love that she needed.

They were also surprised how playful and active Esperança was. Just like any other cat, she can walk, play, climb, and she can even use the litter box all by herself.

Esperança loves to be with her humans too. Here she is taking a nap on the couch while her family is watching TV!

Oh and she’s a curious cat too. She even stands up to investigate stuff that she’s curious about! So adorable!

Esperança loves boxes too! And just look at that beautiful and playful face!

She has the family, the home, the love, and everything else that she needs. And you can see in her face that Esperança is one happy and satisfied cat!

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