This Cat Had Been Waiting In Shelter For More Than 400 Days, So The Staff Came Up With A Plan

Champas the cat arrived over at the Animal Welfare League (NSW, Australia) back in December 2022. He was extremely timid and shy, avoiding even the slightest interaction with anyone.

Since Champas’ arrival, many fellow animals were adopted, however, his chances at finding a new forever home remained non-existent. And so, the shelter decided to boost his chances a bit by making him socialize more, so Champas was assigned as a feline receptionist, greeting people from the front desk.

His life then took a completely different turn. As Champas began to meet more and more people, he realized that not all people are bad. The kitty soon became friendlier and friendlier to the shelter’s visitors and even began purring for attention. That was precisely when everyone knew Champas was ready for his forever home.

The campaign was a huge success. 436 days after his arrival, Champas was adopted by a man named Nathan. “To everyone who is wondering what happened to Champas the long term resident of Kemps Creek – he came home with me today, and after biting my hand, went straight to sleep,” Nathan stated via Animals Welfare League.

Champas the cat arrived over at the Animal Welfare League (NSW, Australia) back in December 2022.

Since Champas’ coming, many other animals were adopted, but his chance remained thin.

The staff decided to boost his adoption chances by making him socialize more.

And so Champas was assigned as a feline receptionist, greeting people from the front desk.

The kitty quickly became friendlier and friendlier to shelter’s visitors and even began purring for their attention.

That was precisely when everyone knew Champas was ready for his forever home.

The shelter came up with an adoption campaign for the kitty, and 436 in a total of days after his arrival, Champas was adopted by a man named Nathan.

“To everyone who is wondering what happened to Champas the long term resident of Kemps Creek – he came home with me today, and after biting my hand, went straight to sleep,”

Be sure to watch he whole story and share it with your friends!

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