The veterinarian uses a clever and gentle approach to vaccinate dogs, making the process so seamless that they hardly notice it happening

It is well known that even a routine visit to the veterinarian may be stressful for a puppy, particularly if shots are required.

However, André Santos, this specific doctor, has found a charming way to make the entire treatment joyful.

Santos, a veterinarian with a practice in Portugal, is well known for his humorous approach to maintaining the health and happiness of animals.

Santos doesn’t just approach a furry patient who enters his clinic for a vaccine with the dreaded needle. Instead, he transforms the situation into a game and uses rewards like playing and food to promote positive behavior, making the dogs utterly unaware that they have even been given a chance.

And often, there’s even dancing involved.

The dogs may look forward to getting an injection from Santos rather than feeling anxious with it.

Every time we do a surgery, we ought to give our patients something enjoyable, said Santos.

Although Santos’ approach may seem unconventional, his patients respect him for it.

Finally, Santos treats his patients with compassion and care, which not only eliminates their dread and anxiety during their first “scary” session but also makes all subsequent visits something they can eagerly anticipate.It’s also what matters most to me since I actually care about dogs’ wellbeing.

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