The tiny, short-legged dog charms onlookers as it patiently sits, waiting for a treat from a nearby vendor, radiating a sweet and hopeful attitude

The tiny, short-legged dog charms onlookers as it patiently sits, waiting for a treat from a nearby vendor, radiating a sweet and hopeful attitude

This adorable golden retriever has won over the heart of the stall owner. Captured the attention of many hearts online, with his clever trick to score some free fried chicken!

The smart dog is pictured sitting in front of a fried chicken stand eyeing a pile of cooked chicken in a series of hilarious images.

Originally shared by an unkown user this charming scene quickly gained popularity on the internet.

“I noticed this dog sitting in front of a chicken stall completely focusing his sight on the food ” describes one caption. “He didn’t even. Stayed put like a seal.”

Please complete my order promptly as I have been waiting for some time.

Perhaps this cute pup patiently waited outside the stall hoping his owner would spot him and reward him with some fried chicken.

However it seems like the dogs patience wore thin after waiting for long without receiving his desired treat; he can be seen pouting and wearing an expression.

Thanks to this reaction photos of the dog, at the chicken stall quickly went viral online.

However some individuals have pointed out that indulging in foods, like fried chicken and assuming such a posture can negatively impact dogs by causing harm to their spines.

Nonetheless this lovable and observant dog deserves recognition for its determination, in seeking out a treat of fried chicken!

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