The heartbreaking loyalty of an abandoned dog, standing steadfast in the pouring rain, yearning for the return of its beloved family

The heartbreaking loyalty of an abandoned dog, standing steadfast in the pouring rain, yearning for the return of its beloved family

As shelter volunteers were driving to  Dog Rescue Shelter in Mladenovac, Serbia, they spotted a  dog on the road, standing alone in the rain.

As they drove closer, the dog ran off the road and into the bushes. As rescuers approached, the dog began showing signs of aggression, but only because she was scared.

They tried to coax her out with food, and after many attempts and lots of patience, the dog finally decided that that she would trust them.

She allowed them to pet her and even pick her up and put her in their car. They then brought her to their shelter and decide to name her ‘Lady.’

She already felt so much better now that she wasn’t stuck out in the cold pouring rain anymore. Thankfully, she was give a clean bill of health, and was given the best care and love.

Only a month later, Lady was adopted by a loving family! She now has a big backyard to run around and play in with her new doggy sibling, and a warm bed to sleep in, rather than being abandoned in the rain.

Watch her rescue in the video below:

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