Stray Pet With Out A Paw Set To Be Euthanized For Being A Pit Bull

A number of puppies were discovered in a jungle without their mothers, and no one knew how they got there.

Friends of the Forlorn Pit Bull Rescue stepped in because Henry County Animal Care and Management does not allow pit bulls to be adopted.

The puppies have been moved to a facility in Georgia where they will die. Pit bulls will only be kept for three days before being euthanized by Henry County Animal Care and Management.

Mates of the Forlorn Pit Bull Rescue was contacted by animal control and asked if they wanted to rescue the puppies.

Jason Flatt, the rescue’s founder, did not hesitate to accept them.

Krissy, Nugget, and Sunshine, the three puppies, were immediately placed in foster homes. But one mystery remained: why does Sunshine only have one entrance paw?

They didn’t know whether it was a congenital deformity or the result of maltreatment. Sunshine, on the other hand, insisted on walking on it.

They wanted to help her, so they took her to a vet to be fitted for a prosthetic paw. In the meantime, a versatile leg splint should suffice.

Sunny had little difficulty adjusting to her leg splint. They’d also make prostheses in four different sizes, one for each stage of development.

We’ll never know what happened to Sunny’s paw, but she’s happy and doing well in her new life!

Thank you to everyone who helped this woman get to where she wanted to go.

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