Policeman Adopts Abandoned Dog He Saved In The Rain

Officer Michael Pascale of the NYPD first saw Joey on a chilly, wet afternoon. He was patrolling a public park in his squad car when he discovered a little black puppy lurking amid the shattered beer bottles and used needles.

The dog was being held to a fence by a heavy chain around his neck, which Officer Pascale saw. Joey was damp, shivering, and obviously abandoned.

“He’s just looking up at me with these ‘Help Me’ eyes,” Pascale said to The Dodo. The first thing that sprang to me was, “I needed to get him out of here.”

Safe and Dry from Wet and Lost

Joey was brought to the Animal Care Centers of NYC shelter in Brooklyn by the animal-loving officer. He felt a particular connection growing between them as he dried the grateful dog with a towel.

I don’t see an animal, Pascale declared. “I can see a soul. And I don’t avoid that either.

He used SMS to send his wife a photo of the abandoned pet. Bring him home, she immediately commanded. The couple quickly agreed to adopt Joey if they could just overcome one tiny obstacle.

In Just 72 Hours, It Feels Like A Lifetime

Officer Pascale was instructed by the ACC that Joey would need to remain in their custody for the necessary 72-hour stray hold. No matter how neglected or abandoned an animal looks to be, it can actually have a heartbroken owner yearning for them. A stray hold gives them some time to find and report their stolen or missing pet.

Officer Pascale promised to return after the two exchanged a tearful farewell. He maintained his promise and returned the next day and the day after that. They grew more intimate with each encounter.

Pascale was eventually able to adopt Joey once the stray hold was finally lifted. Once the paperwork was finished, Joey was taken outside to say goodbye to Pascale.

Officer Pascale promised to protect him and make sure that he never again experiences abuse or neglect as the joyful dog showered him with kisses. They then returned home to start their new life together.

A Completely Insufficient Resolution

Where there was once a famished, afraid stray, there is now a powerful, loving pet. Joey likes showing his dad about New York City and spending time on the couch with his mother. Officer Pascale notes that he’s developed into quite the mama’s boy.

Joey is a wonderful dog, but he isn’t perfect; his Instagram account is @Joey Good Doggo. Although he occasionally gets into the trash and still dislikes being outside in the rain, mostly he is content. And there are others like him.

A puppy only genuinely wants to do that.

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