Owner Dumps Blind Puppy Covered In Filth, No One Wants To Adopt Him At Shelter

 Batty the blind Bulldog was completely layered in feces when his owner dumped him at the Sacramento SPCA. The owner claimed he couldn’t care for the disabled 5-month-old puppy, but the workers had their doubts.

Batty’s situation appeared to be a botched backyard breeding game, and the breeder most likely discarded him because a blind puppy could not be profited from.

Batty had a large abscess on his chin that was properly treated. The puppy gradually matured into a sweet and easygoing boy deserving of a loving home as the workers began to care for and support him.

However, the vet discovered that his blindness was caused by a rare congenital birth defect. Nobody wanted to adopt a permanently blind dog.

Despite the fact that Batty’s future appeared bleak, the cheerful puppy remained unconcerned. He spent his days at the shelter happily playing with Bueller, another disabled pup.

When Bueller was adopted, however, the workers knew they needed to do something to help the lonely Batty.

The workers shared Batty’s story on social media and made a desperate plea for his adoption. Cassidy Kraus and Brett Weyers, a Wisconsin couple, discovered Batty and knew he belonged with them right away.

The couple already had a blind dog named Soto, and they knew Batty would fit right in.

Cassidy, Brett, Soto, and the kids immediately embarked on a 33-hour journey to Sacramento to retrieve Batty. It was an emotional moment when the exhausted family finally met the cherished pooch!

Batty was overjoyed as he greeted his new family, and he nearly passed out as he embraced his big doggie brother, who looked exactly like him!

Despite being born into a life of darkness, Batty has found a ray of light. This gleaming soul has been renamed Ago, and he is unquestionably a spoiled brat in his new surroundings.

With his sunny disposition and healing presence, he has made his family complete in every way!

Click the video below to watch Batty/Ago’s extraordinary journey of defeating darkness and finding his true home.

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