Only Skins And Bones Puppy Left Alone Beside Wall Of A Rich Family, Eaten Alive By Hundred Flies

 According to Show Paw, the poor soul puppy was discovered abandoned beside the wall of a wealthy family.  How can those people who contributed to the suffering of these innocent souls put their heads on the pillow.

This puppy is in excruciating pain, and flies and maggots are devouring him. He was in agony as he lay there waiting for death!!

Alex Sirbu and other volunteers took her to the veterinary clinic for treatment.

Maggie is her given name.

Maggie was eaten alive by a swarm of maggots. The doctor removes all the maggots after disinfecting the wounds.

Maggie went out for some sunshine after two days, but she was still in critical condition. But the Ggod discovered Maggie began to drink water and eat small amounts of food!

She is getting better and better. 

She’s survivor and continue fighting for her recovery! She’s fighting like a lion!”She was radiant on the third day, in the morning with Maggie. She is doing better today; she has begun to walk and is more energetic and active. We are hopeful and confident that Maggie will grow into a lovely young lady and be adopted by a loving family.” Alex Sirbu statedMaggie began drinking milk and tasting food in the afternoon of the third day. Infusions and antibiotics were used to continue the treatment.
Alex took her with him after five days in the clinic until she found her family forever. And, to her surprise, she found her forever family in just three days with Alex.

Last moments with Maggie, before to travel to adopt family.

“Goodbye, my sweet girl, we’ll see you again wherever you go. You deserve better than me, a family who will care for and love you forever!” Alex Sirbu talking to Maggie

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