My birthday is today, but no one has sent me birthday greetings, which makes me sad

Despite it being my birthday today, I have not yet been blessed.

Why doesn’t anyone pay notice to the with one back leg as it jumps around in search of food?

A striking photo of a  on the side of the road, begging for food with its rear legs amputated, has gone viral. Many people are interested in learning what precipitated this  aggressive actions.

A Thai  was helped and given food in the video as it begged for food next to the road. The dog appeared to have just been through a fire that burned spectators since he was severely underweight, skeleton, and completely devoid of flesh.

The dog seemed to have been ravenous for a while, although the meal used to be wonderful. The spectators’ solemn looks, fixed on the camera, destroy the viewers. The  back legs were misaligned, but he was still standing on his other two legs.

The  used to enjoy eating, thus it’s likely that it endured long periods of malnutrition.

The video has received a lot of views and shares. The majority of them were busy at work, which delayed the arrival of this miserable

In a Facebook post, V.A stated, “I have to scavenge for food by the side of the road like this because I don’t know where my owner is.” She said, “I won’t have to suppress my tears any longer when I see it.

If this  is still in Vietnam, do everything you can to save him; if not, I’ll take him in and take care of him. T.L., a trusted friend, said, “May God bless him with many fantastic problems.”

Even though it is currently unknown whether this sorrowful puppy is a stray, there have been numerous requests for assistance. Ideally, the will get the best nourishment and care throughout time.

Dogs are unquestionably the most docile animals; they don’t mind doing the same thing over and over or getting into uncomfortable situations, and they even like learning new things. those fresh goods.

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