Meet The New Grumpy Cat Called Kitzia That Looks Even Angrier Than Her Late Predecessor

Meet Kitzia the cat who always seems to be in a mood and is competing for the late beloved Grumpy Cat’s throne. Kitzia, whose name means ‘kitty,’ has over 44.9k followers on Instagram and looks as grumpy as grumpy felines can be.

Kitzia lives in Florida together with her hooman, Viktoriia Otdielnova. Originally from Ukraine, Viktoriia has been happily living in the United States for the past 6 years. She’s a professional photographer by trade, so it’s no surprise that her pics of Kitzia have caught a lot of people’s attention.

Scroll down, upvote your fave photos of Kitzia, and let us know in the comments which pics you liked the most and why. When you’re done enjoying photos of Kitzia, check out Bored Panda’s article about Meow Meow who is also a grumpy floof.




Social media users are having a lot of fun looking at Kitzia’s photos. Some think that the photos are priceless while others joked that the cat has a resting [ahem] female dog face. (No, the cat/dog irony isn’t lost on us.)

However, that’s just how Kitzia looks and there’s nothing she can do about it. In reality, she’s a sweet and lovely catto who loves playing with her owner. But just like any other pet, she also sometimes throws temper tantrums and they work perfectly with her permanent scowl.

Viktoriia created an Instagram account for her cat just over two years ago in April 2018. The very first photo of Kitzia has 821 likes and her owner writes that even though the cat looks weird, she’s very friendly.




Kitzia’s owner has been interested in photography since she was a child and she’s very passionate about it. For Viktoriia, photography has always been more than ‘just a job’ or ‘just a hobby’—it’s her calling.

“It brings me so much joy creating memories that last forever. Photography is a part of me, of who I am,” Viktoriia writes on her website.

“It is my endless source of energy,” she added. With a passionate and energetic owner like Viktoriia, it’s no wonder that Kitzia’s friendly and fun, despite what her resting face might look like.



















































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