Malnourished Senior Cat Struggling To Survive Finally Gets A Chance At Life

HV-Dessy, a true foster and rescue hero opened up her home to many cats and kittens in distress. 

One day, Dessy was running some errands when a feral cat crossed her path. The poor soul was starving and looked like he needed urgent help. 

He was a senior sweetheart wandering the streets alone, trying his best to survive. The poor boy was in such bad shape, that he approached Dessy and started desperately meowing at her.

This broke her heart into pieces and she decided to take action immediately. Since he was feral it was hard to pick him up and put him in a carrier, she needed to gain his trust first. 

Dessy would stop by every day to feed him until he was finally ready to be taken to the vet. They prescribed him antibiotics and eye drops, and he was ready to go home. 

Since Dessy and her husband decided to foster cats in need, they usually fostered the cats in their own home. Over time, more strays needed their help, and their home became too small.

With the help and donations of kind-hearted people, Dessy and her husband managed to rent a room and supply it with everything a cat might need. As she explained in her video:

“Thanks to our donators, we have rented a room for the old cat, and others in need. We call it the ‘Happy Cats Room’. The place is still a work in progress. We plan to make it very cat friendly.” 

Aslan, our senior sweetheart, was the first stray to recover in this safe space.

Aslan desperately needed a bath, but being a feral cat, that was not an easy task for the foster duo. As Dessy recalls:

“He is feral and has not being used to human presence, let alone being held by hand.”

Therefore, she had to use protective gloves to bathe him. Then they put him in his carrier and placed a heater so he could dry off. 

Finally, Aslan was able to get some well-deserved rest. His new favorite spot was a cozy and warm cat bed, where he spent hours napping. 

This poor old soul was still pretty much afraid of human touch. They had to be very creative when it came to his prescribed medicine.

Therefore, Dessy would sneak antibiotics into his food. Unfortunately, that meant she had to patiently wait for his trust, in order to give him the much-needed eye drops.

In a video update a few weeks later, Aslan was enjoying his favorite spot. He was still scared of human touch, but they managed to sneak in a cuddle or two.

Shortly after, a kind woman contacted Dessy. She wanted to adopt Aslan and provide him with all the care he needed. 

Luckily, he can now spend the rest of his days in a safe and loving environment. Thanks to Dessy, this sweet senior is saved from the harsh street life!

Watch the video below:

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