Kitten Peered into Patio Window and Noticed Comfy Indoor Life, She Wanted to Give It a Try

A feral kitten peered into a patio window and noticed the comfy indoor life. She wanted to give it a try.

Linda from Montreal spends some of her weekends with her family at a cottage away from the city. One day, she noticed two feral kittens scrounging for some grub on her patio.

She began feeding the young cats and eventually brought one of them to safety. The brown tabby fled the scene and was nowhere to be found. A couple of weeks later, when Linda returned to the cottage, a familiar face resurfaced.

The tabby reappeared on the patio, curiously peering into the window. She was a bit taller, skinnier, and looking hungrier than ever.

The kitten would try to run away when Linda approached her. Instead of attempting to catch her by hand, Linda rented a humane trap to aid her in the rescue. The hungry kitten couldn’t resist the smell of the food and walked right in.

Chatons Orphelins Montreal, an animal rescue, took the shy kitten into their care and named her Bouskie.

She was estimated to be three months old, very underweight, full of parasites, and had matted fur all over her body. They treated her and removed the knots from her coat. She was wary and reserved but didn’t have a mean bone in her body.

“She was very scared, but she let us handle her. As soon as we petted her, she started purring,” Celine of Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared.

She was very scared and stayed in her box for days

Upon arriving at her foster home, she was confused and terrified, slinking low to the floor, darting from one hiding place to another. “Her foster mom made her a bed out of a cardboard box, and she stayed there as it made her feel safe.”

“She only came out of the box to eat and go to the litter box when no one was around. She was very quiet, watching everything happening around her without making a sound.”

She slowly came out of her shell

Slowly but surely, Bouskie grew more comfortable with her surroundings but was still too shy to venture outside her comfort zone.

“Her foster mom would wrap her like a purrito, bring her to the couch, and watch TV with the kitten in her arms.”

She began to venture around the house

“Bouskie didn’t try to get away; on the contrary, she was intrigued by other cats in the house, watching them run and play across the living room.”

After a week, the kitten mustered the courage to make small excursions. She raced from room to room, checking out every nook and cranny. When she was introduced to toys, her playful side was unleashed, transforming her into a bundle of joy.


Bouskie has learned to enjoy the company of her people and grown brave enough to ask for attention and pets. “Little by little, she’s come out of her shell. She loves other kittens, follows them around, and tries to imitate everything they do.”

The once-timid kitty has blossomed into a happy, easygoing young cat with a big voice at dinner time.

She discovered her voice

“She loves her new life and just wants to be adored. Bouskie didn’t know people before she came to us, and now she purrs the second she’s held.”

She’s blossomed into a happy, playful young cat

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