Instead Of Getting Help, Her Family Dumped Her As The Tu.mors Grew Bigger

Libby’s heartless owner abandoned her instead of treating her after she got a tumor all over her body.

Fortunately, she was transported to the veterinarian after being saved. Unfortunately, they discovered she had mast cell cancer and required surgery, which did not exclude her(HV).

The large tumor prevented her from wagging her tail! Despite everything she’s been through, she remains cheerful and nice.

She was also adopted by a kind family who chose not to euthanize her and instead allowed her to enjoy her own life.

Libby, on the other hand, is happy for her second chance at life after her prior owner abandoned her due to her sickness. They deserted her when she needed them the most.

Her new owners have no idea how much time she has left, but they want to spend every day with her!

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