German Shepherd Dog Rescued After 8 Years Of Abuse Died After Gaining Family

Rex, a dog that had been mistreated by his previous owners and had been saved by Strasbourg SPA, has passed away. awful news But it is partially lessened by the fact that Rex was able to have the warm, loving family life he deserved at the conclusion of his life after so many years of suffering.

Rex’s tale generated a lot of buzz. He had been through a terrible trauma before being saved by Strasbourg SPA, and before last Tuesday, he had found tranquility in his foster family.

For this German Shepherd, the nightmare endured for an extended eight years. On its Facebook page early this year, Strasbourg SPA requested help in finding him a new residence.

He had only known suffering and loneliness before. He was held captive in a barn filled with filth and human waste. People just visited him to give him food and drink. He didn’t get any love from people.

He was originally adopted in April 2021 after being saved and taken to a shelter. Rex had an inflammatory illness that made him exceedingly scratchy and left him covered in scabs. He was on the edge of passing away because of his failing health. He was then just about saved. The German Shepherd was given back to the Alsatian shelter since his owners were unable to retain him.

Rex was granted another shot after Strasbourg SPA posted a Facebook post about him in January. This time, the decision was sound. A family in Phillipsburg, Moselle, adopted him. The shelter staff and vets gave the cat excellent care, and he was able to completely enjoy his new life.

A valuable life lesson on resiliency.

He was cared for and cherished till the last end. Up until Tuesday, June 21, when he was forced to depart because of the illness that had come back.

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