For a decade, an elderly dog wandered the streets alone with a large tumor, enduring pain and distress, with little hope of finding help

He was discovered on the side of the road, unable to move, with a massive tumor hanging from his stomach. He was helpless, and leaving him there was out of the question.

“Helen Summerfield-Brown” is a non-profit group of volunteers who do their best to save all stray and abandoned animals. They discovered this poor dog in poor condition, so they had him picked up and rushed to the hospital, where he was medically treated.

His condition was critical, and he had stopped eating, indicating that the tumor was killing him.

Midnight arrived safely, and the veterinarians immediately performed blood tests, X-rays, and an ultrasound. Unfortunately, he has a number of problems, including hookworms, anemia, and malnourishment.

Furthermore, because his blood platelets were extremely low, they were unable to perform surgery to remove the tumor because he would have died.

They don’t have time because his tumor is growing. They performed all blood tests in order to determine when he should have surgery.

Midnight is a special boy who is adored by everyone.

Midnight’s surgery was successful, and the tumor, which was actually a testicular tumor, was removed. It was enormous, weighing approximately 4.85 pounds.

“That was such a burden on his frail little body, and I am so happy for him that it is no longer there. Midnight, who was able to take a few steps after surgery, has made us very proud.” The Vet stated

“We adore this boy and will do everything in our power to help him.”

Midnight’s health is improving, and he will be ready for adoption in a few days.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Midnight thus far. Thank you kindly!

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