Previously spared from a life on the streets, Pumpkin is a pregnant dog mother who needs to be saved once more after becoming stuck beneath a shed at the Hawkins County Humane Society. The dog with the baby bump successfully crawled under the storage house’s tight opening and became caught inside when the rescue crew wasn’t watching.
The Dodo was informed by shelter employee Kennedy Margetjak, “I open the back door and call for her and her head pops out from underneath!” “Even though she refused to come for treats, I sensed something was wrong! As I leave, I see her expectant body jammed beneath the shed, trying desperately to escape but failing miserably.Pumpkin was too pregnant for the slight tug of assistance that the personnel originally attempted to provide. Joey Arnold, the handyman at the shelter, was then called upon to successfully free Pumpkin using a jack. She was really appreciative that the doggie emerged unscathed!
Finding Pumpkin a loving home that would offer a secure environment for the dog to give birth to her puppies is now the shelter’s main goal. Thankfully, she and her puppies are in capable care.
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