English Mastiff Starved And Thrown From Car Wags Her Tail Every Time She Sees Her Rescuer

She was just 60 lbs. when she was originally saved, but when you see her today, wow!

An English Mastiff that weighed barely one-third of what she should was dumped out of a car. This might be the sad end for a few dogs. However, the dog named Violet started to transform people as a result of a good Samaritan.

Warning: a few of the pictures of Violet might be upsetting to some readers. The story has been updated at the top.

Authorities claim that someone in Clinton, Maryland witnessed the enormous dog being thrown out of a moving vehicle. The large dog was helped by a good Samaritan who then had her or him transported to Prince George’s County Animal Control. Later, Violet was saved by Mutts Matter Rescue and given to volunteer Debbie Gretz, who has experience caring for dogs who are extremely malnourished like Violet.

When Debbie first met Bella, she posted on Facebook, “Tears flood my cheeks as I run my fork over her velvety fur embracing every bone in her body.” “She’ll stand up and come over to me… I’m shocked she would ever consider doing that. I’m at a loss for words to describe her state. It is wonderful to have her here. Please send her all of your positive vibes, prayers, and positive energy.

When she was first discovered, Violet weighed just over 60 pounds. For Debbie to “be complete again,” she claims she needs to gain 80 to 90 pounds.

All over Violet’s body, there are numerous pressure sores. She might need to be locked up so she won’t reproduce, according to her rescuers.

In order to gradually improve Violet’s health and weight, Debbie feeds her a number of tiny, wholesome meals each day. And Violet’s tail wags whenever she sees Debbie descend the stairs. “When she approached me and placed her head in my lap after I sat down on the sofa to talk to her, I thought I would melt. Despite having received such appalling treatment, she is just so kind.

Violet is receiving a lot of attention, even if she isn’t quite out of the woods yet, and she or he loves it!

She is becoming more independent as she learns how to climb stairs, go for walks with friends, and become a member of a family.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to the identity, arrest, and conviction of the person or persons responsible for Violet’s maltreatment. The Prince George’s County Animal Management Division can be reached at 301-780-7241 by anyone with information.

Since Violet was initially rescued, a number of months had passed. Her mother has been making sure Violet gets the nutrients and exercise she so urgently needed, and she is thriving in her care. Violet is currently 138 pounds. Well done, Violet!

She enjoys spending time at the beach.

And all the admiration and focus!

Especially after years of abuse and neglect, I’m overjoyed that Violet is recovering. If you agree, tell your friends about her experience as well!

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