Dog That Survived Triple M.urder In His Home And Crawled Out Window Onto Roof Set To Be Euthanized At Shelter

Chicago Animal Care & Control is scheduled to put to sleep an eight-year-old dog who defied almost insurmountable odds. Topper was discovered as a stray on a building’s roof after a truly awful series of events, and he eventually made his way to the shelter. Four members of Topper’s family were killed, with one committing suicide.

Since Topper had to be lifted to safety from the roof of a crumbling house using a crane—a devoted dog traumatized by the brutal murders of the only humans he had ever known—his rescue garnered widespread media attention. Only Topper lived, and he was found guarding the tortured ghosts and rotting walls of the house from its roof.

He had completely lost his universe in the span of a single instant. He is charming, kind, and gentle. Since CACC is at capacity, more foster parents and adopters are required to save more lives.

Six months into his stay at the shelter, TOPPER has learned what love is from the staff members. Although he likes to be cuddled, he has become overly attached to his home and will not leave. He has been at the shelter for too long and has grown too devoted to his volunteer caregiver, according to shelter officials. If adopted, he will need to be the only dog in the household.

A nice, calm, intelligent, and enquiring dog who enjoys agility and food puzzles is TOPPER. He trots, skips, and bounces with excitement and joy. The amazing truth known as Love, on the other hand, is overflowing in his heart; all he needs right now is a HOME where it can flourish.

Please spread the word about this dog’s suffering to your social media contacts, friends, family, and authorized rescue organizations. In fact, sharing can save lives.

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