Desperately crying for help, a puppy is rescued from a snake attack

Desperately crying for help, a puppy is rescued from a snake attack

 Pet ownership in Asia is scary — snakes and other wild creatures may try to devour your dog entire… like this one almost did.

Check out this scary video of a carpet python grabbing on to a 9-week-old puppy called Jasper and trying to suffocate the dog in a field.

It occurs in an instant: Jasper is casually sniffing about when the python strikes from behind a bush. Jasper struggles to wiggle free, but the snake’s grip is firm.

Fortunately, a man nearby in the field heared the puppy crying and rushed out to liberate the infant canine from the serpent, although it wasn’t easy.

The man ultimately tosses the python away, and we’re here to inform you that this story has a happy ending… for both of the animals Jasper was well; except from a bite in his ear, which his owners fixed, he’s back to his normal self.

If you’re curious, the python is also considered to be fine. Man, reptiles are something else.

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