Cat Who Was 18 Years Old When He Asked Man to Take Him Home, Now Turns 20
A cat was 18 years old when he found his forever human. He has never left his side since. Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary and Adoption Centers in…

Ugliest And Loneliest Dog Who ‘Nobody Wanted’ Finally Finds Home After Five Year Wait
After nearly five years at an RSPCA animal shelter, Britain’s most lonely dog has finally found a home. Albie, a lurcher, was saved by RSPCA inspectors during…

Puppy Crawled Through Construction Site Waiting For Someone To Help Him
An infant puppy in need of medical care was discovered by a construction worker. The puppy was little and injured, perhaps two or three months old. The…

15-year-old Cat Walks Up to Kind Neighbor for Help After Being Left Outside
A cat walked up to a kind neighbor for help after she was left outside at almost 15 years old. Addie, the cat-loving German Shepherd, has been…