Couple Adopt 17-Year-Old Dog From Shelter, He Stays Alive Long Enough To Meet Human Sister

Animal heroes Beth and Michael Clark donate blankets to animal shelters during the winter to provide warmth and comfort for stray dogs.

They visited Anne Arundel County Animal Control in December 2022 to donate blankets and supplies, and they went home with something special.

The couple had to keep Rocky, a 17-year-old dog who was grieving, in their sights.

Beth told TODAY, “When I saw this gray-faced, bony dog, I told my husband, “We’re going to catch him.” I didn’t want the elderly man to die inside.

Rocky, as Beth said to TODAY, “completed our life.”

“He loves dancing with us, he loves being with us. As time went on, walking and climbing stairs became harder for him, so every night my husband would carry him up the stairs so he could be with us.”

Beth was thrilled to learn she was expecting and told TODAY that Loki got softer as she grew bigger. He is a significant source of support for expectant mothers in Maryland.

Rocky’s health is getting worse.

Rocky’s photo with the caption, “Mom and Dad are going to find me a man!” was even used to announce the couple’s pregnancy.

When Beth was seven months pregnant and they learned that their cherished old dog Rocky might have a tumor, Rocky’s health started to deteriorate.

On the day Beth and Michael brought her home, Rocky gave her a quick sniff and laid his head on her, but as his condition deteriorated, the couple realized it was time to say goodbye to their cherished dog.

“I called the vet, and he and his family went to see him quietly that night,” Beth said to TODAY. We love him more than words can say, and we’re still having trouble adjusting to his schedule.

The Clarks claim that Loki is adamant about seeing his brand-new human sister.

Michael and Beth, you two are real animal heroes! We appreciate you choosing to adopt Rocky and making his final years happy and loved.

Please spread the word in memory of this wonderful couple and their adorable dog Rocky, who will both always be remembered.

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