Couple Drives Hours To Rescue Senior Beagle Given Away On Facebook

(HV) – It’s difficult to be a stray dog in a shelter, waiting to be adopted. Age only exacerbates the difficulty. Unfortunately, there are a lot of…

With Her Decaying Body, She Sat Alone At Landfill, Her Life Was Worse Than D.eath

(HV) – Victor Larkhill and his rescue team received a report about a large dog that was weakening by the day owing to a lack of water…

Rescuers Find Scared, Injured Pup Trying To Hide Himself From Humans In A Bag

The fearful puppy simply desired to be alone! Animal Aid was contacted due to an injured and sick puppy who is terrified of people. They immediately hurried…

Kids Throw Rocks At This Friendly Pit Bull Who Was Just Looking To Be Loved

HV-Buddha had to hide behind some trash cans to avoid being stoned by children. It is crucial to note that this pit bull was assaulted while attempting…

Broken-Hearted Pup Eaten By Fleas Curled Up On Road, Too Weak To Keep Going

(HV) A small puppy lay alone in the middle of the road. People walked past him without looking at him. Stray dogs are widespread in this area,…

Stray Puppy Slept In Alleyway On Dirty Mat When Mama Rejected His Infection

HV-People in a poor town are already overburdened with basic necessities. Unfortunately, stray animals are a part of this cycle. They can be found anywhere. It is…

Peорle Laughed At Him Fоr Lооking Like A “Pig”, But Only He Knew The Pain He Was In

HV-A man was strоlling dоwn the street when he nоticed a hоmeless dоg with a terribly swоllen face. While оthers were delighted by the dоg’s situatiоn, the…

Her Days Were Numbered As She Helplessly Roamed Streets With Severely Swollen Face

HV-In Santssimo, Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil, a nice Samaritan noticed a dog on the ground in severe need of assistance. She’d been wandering the streets, helpless, with…

Mom In Tears When Finding Her Dog Starving After Being Stolen 2 Years Ago

A shelter discovered an ill stray dog suffering from severe mange. The dog had lovely blue eyes, but life on the streets had left him filthy and…

Dumped In The Bush, Blind And Very Thin Dog Begging In Fear For A Second Chance To Live

HV-Conchita had been abandoned in the bush; she was very thin and couldn’t move because she was afraid of not seeing, but a boy saved her and…