Cat Always Sleeps While Hugging His Favorite Human

For years, all Noah ever wanted was a kitten to call his own. When he woke up on Christmas two years ago and discovered that Santa had…

A Smushed-Faced Kitten Finds The Perfect Family

This cat was born with an adorable smushed face and a crazy attitude, as it turns out! She was discovered on the side of the road, barely…

This Kitty Suffered Severe Burns, But Her New Owner’s Love Brought Her Back To Health

When you first lay eyes on the cute Phoenix, you might think she’s just an ordinary brown tabby without a particularly exciting story. However, this brave girl’s…

Meet Stevie Wonder The Blind Piano-playing Cat Who Loves To Entertain Himself By Tinkling The (Ebony And) Ivories

It may appear very su-purr-stitious but a blind cat named called Stevie Wonder really has developed a passion for playing the piano. The musical moggie is astounding…

Kitten Rescued From Car Engine Found New Home and Cat Brothers in Another Country.

A woman heard meowing coming from a car at the beach when she was going to the ferry with her friend. They stopped and tried to get…

Tiny Kitten Seen on the Road Begging to Be Rescued Ends Up Having All Her Wishes Come True

A tiny kitten fоund оn the rоad begging tо be rescued ended uр having all her wishes cоme true. Abоut twо mоnths agо, a Gооd Samaritan sроtted…

A Cat With Two Wheels Loves His Life to the Full

This kitty has two functioning legs. With a set of wheels, there’s no limit to what he can do. Rexie is a special kitty who loves life…

Kittens Found Near Road, Stay Together and Share Special Bond from Day One

Two kittens have been each other’s biggest support since they were found together on the side of the road. A pair of kittens was spotted near the…

Tabby Kitten With Twо Legs Hорs Her Way intо Family’s Heart

At only two weeks old, a tabby kitten was taken to a clinic in Florida with severe injuries, sadly she only had two legs as both her…

Sassy Shelter Cat Gets The Most Hilarious Notice Put On His Cage

When it comes to getting his point across, one shelter cat called Max knows just what to do. “He’ll reach his arm right out through the cage…