Some Called This Wobbly Cat “Weird” Looking but His Rescuers Know He is Perfect and Handsome..

A ginger cat was given up because he was too wobbly to be taken care of, but the kind folks at Milo’s Sanctuary took him in and…

Cat Found on Stairs in Apartment Building by Kind Neighbor, 2 Weeks Later His Life Completely Changed

A cat was found on the stairs of an apartment building by a kind neighbor. Two weeks later, his life completely changed. Otto the cat Chelsea was…

Just When The Shelter Was Ready To Give Up On This Sad Cat, A Fortune Finally Smiled Upon Him

This is BenBen, the cat who was once dubbed the “saddest cat in the world.” His story is a rollercoaster of emotions, marked by significant lows and…

Meet Grumpy Kitzia, The Cat That Looks Permanently Pissed-Off

Meet Kitzia, the cat with a permanent frown, even in sunny Florida! But don’t be fooled by her grumpy exterior – she’s a total sweetheart! Kitzia shares…

Kitten With Front Leg Abnormality Receives Lifesaving Treatment He Desperately Needed

Meet Macaroni, a polydactyl kitten with an abnormality in his front legs. When everything was going bad for him, he found a kind person, who decided to…

Cat Cоmes Tо University Every Day Tо Give Students A Dоse Of Her Lоve

Cats go to universities too; however, they’re not there for a degree but rather for endless cuddles. Allow me to introduce you to the Campus Cat! This…

Stray Kitten Gets Help to See Again and is Transformed into a Beautiful Cat

A ginger kitten who couldn’t open his eyes, wandered his way to a house. A woman came to his rescue and turned his life around. Early this…

Woman Saves Earless Cat From Sad Life and the Kitty Can’t Get Enough of Love

An earless cat showed up on someone’s porch, scrounging around for food scraps. A kind-hearted woman from the neighborhood spotted him and knew that she had to…

‘Slick’ The Cat is Lucky to be Alive After Being Doused With Motor Oil

A cat who has been named Slick is currently and thankfully on his road to recovery after being found doused in motor oil and left for dead….

Kitty was Ignored Because of Her Face Until 7-year-old Girl Saved Her and Changed Her Life

No one believed that this kitten would have a chance to survive, but the little furry fighter never gave up despite the odds. Meet Gülümser, the kitty…