Cat Who Lived In Cardboard Box Finally Finds One Person Who Loves Her

When Marcy’s family got evicted last summer, they moved out and left her behind, leaving her to fend for herself outside. She found shelter in an old cardboard box in a neighbor’s yard and lived there for several months, until finally, in December, someone decided they couldn’t let her live like that any more. 

Rebecca McGinn was visiting her brother for her niece’s birthday when he told her about a cat who had been living in his yard. She went outside to see if Marcy would let her get close to her — and instantly fell in love. 

As soon as she saw Marcy, sick and homeless, McGinn knew she was taking her home. 

“I decided to adopt her as she was inside a soggy cardboard box, shivering and had sore eyes,” McGinn told The Dodo. “As soon as she saw me, she came up for pets and was so sweet and affectionate.”

Marcy was in pretty terrible condition when McGinn first took her in, and after being seen by a vet, it was determined that she had eye issues, worms, pneumonia, a lung infection and skin issues that were causing her fur to fall out in clumps. Everyone knew that Marcy’s road to recovery would be a long one, but McGinn was just excited to get her home and show her what it was like to have a nice, warm place to snuggle up with a family who loves you. 

“She settled in immediately and curled up and slept for days,” McGinn said. 

After everything she had been through, Marcy was so happy to finally have soft, cuddly places to curl up on, and is now addicted to all things cozy. 

“The thing she loves most is being with me and my partner, cuddled up,” McGinn said. “She is 100 percent obsessed with blankets and people. She loves being tucked in and covered up. She is on or in a soft blanket 99 percent of the time!” 

Whether it’s pillows … 

… blankets … 

… or one of her new humans, Marcy is now an expert at finding cozy places to sleep, and has no plans to stop that habit any time soon. 

Marcy is absolutely obsessed with her new life, and is so loving and trusting even after everything she’s been through. She may have had a rough past, but now that she’s found the best new family, they’re going to make sure she’s happy and comfortable for the rest of her days. 

“She has the sweetest, most loving personality,” McGinn said. “She is super clingy and loves all the attention. She is so warm and trusting with everyone.”

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