Cat Visits Her Neighbor Every Day For Treats and Pets For Over a Year in These Adorable Photos

A cat has been visiting a family next door every day, asking for treats and pets. She hasn’t missed a day without some lovin’ from her neighbors for over a year.

Ever since this kitty (named Mama) discovered her friendly neighbors, she has been coming to visit every day, waiting for them on their patio. As soon as she spots them, she will knock on their door or window, meowing for attention.

Over a year ago, the cat showed up on their patio and scampered up to them as if she’d known them all her life. “It was really cute,” imgur user Antoine2449 told Cat Lovers.

They opened the door, gave her some treats and pets, and she hasn’t stopped visiting since.

“She meows and paws at the window or patio window to try and get our attention. If she doesn’t see us she will sleep on the patio furniture waiting for us,” they told Cat Lovers.

The kitty comes knocking on the window when she spots someone in the house.

“I see you meow!”

They come outside to greet their feline friend with a bag of treats and lots of pets.

The kitty has had her neighbors trained.

Nom nom nom!

The kitty is back!

This time she knocks on the patio door, asking for their attention right meow!

They quickly open the door and oblige to her every need.

She loves her some head scratches.

It’s safe to say that the kitty has adopted her neighbors as her own and comes over to her second home as she pleases.

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