By the riverbank, he discovered an abandoned puppy tied to a trash bag and rescued it

A dog who had been dumped, tied up, stuffed into a garbage bag and thrown into a litter box was rescued after being told to lick his terrified words.

Emilia Lυcchese was walking through the streets of Messina, in Sicily, in southern Italy, with her friend Erica Biacchi, when she noticed the moans of the animal.

The couple opened the lid of the container and were shocked to discover the brown dog lying inside, in a black plastic bag, with its legs tightly bound with wire.

After removing the animal from the container, it was quickly realized that it was severely dehydrated and so weak that it could barely lift its head.

But after giving him water and taking him to the vet, the dog made a full recovery and was even adopted by his dedicated rescuers.

Today, Mrs. Lυcchese, who later named the dog Oliviero, described the moment she heard the licking of the animal that provided the catcher.

“I thought maybe the dog had gotten stuck inside after looking for scraps or something, and someone had closed the lid,” he said.

“But when I opened it, I realized that there was something moving in the plastic garbage bag and that it had to be the animal.

“When we took him out, we were surprised to see the terrified dog with his legs tied with wire, apparently trying to prevent him from escaping.”

He added: “He was so tired and thirsty, so after having been there for a while, he only started to react after we poured water from the bottle into his mouth.”

Ms. Lυcchese and Ms. Biaпchi recorded a video of Oliviero’s rescue, before publishing the shocking images online.

The short film quickly spread across Italian social media and was then published in local newspapers.

Italian police have launched an investigation and are asking for information about the dog’s previous owners.

The animal (pictured, after being found) had its legs tied tightly with wire and was so weak that it could barely lift its head. But it has since made a full recovery and has been adopted by its rescuers.

Oliviero’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of the harsh treatment some animals suffer from human rights. The cruelty and disinterest shown in this case is undignified, and is testament to the importance of compassion and caring for animals.

Fortunately, the kindness of Emilia Lυcchese and Erica Biacchi saved Oliviero’s life and gave him a second chance. His story is a beacon of hope in a world where cruelty towards animals remains a problem.

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