Born with an unusual body, the dog was relentlessly chased and beaten, left with no place to call home

Do you still remember the poor house elf character Dobby in the Harry Potter series? When we first met this  dog 2 years ago, we were stunned by its devilish appearance like in a storybook. So I named him Dobby.

When we found Dobby, he was hiding in an abandoned house, lying on the cold and shaking ground. His eyes were timid and afraid, not daring to look at us. The dog’s body is gray and wrinkled, his eyes bulge like balls. Especially the ears, which are as big as half the face, are attacked by scabies and fleas, making them heavy and drooping.

According to examination results from the veterinary hospital, he had suffered from scabies for a long time, causing serious damage to his body. They create open wounds all over the poor animal’s body. Itching, pain and discomfort were what tormented him. All the hair on its body had also fallen out, causing it to be unable to stand the cold and tremble, its teeth chattering.

Because of the pain from the past, Dobby became extremely shy and withdrawn. He is scared of everything including us. Every time a loud sound echoed, Dobby would cower in trembling. He lived his whole life in solitude without any friends. The dog’s internal psychological damage requires a lot of love and patience to heal.

We understand that and are ready to care for it for the rest of its life. Dobby was brought back to the rescue team, bathed and applied medicine every day. We also dress him in nice clothes to keep his body warm. I took him with me whenever possible and cared for him like a child.

Over time, Dobby’s external and emotional wounds gradually healed. We noticed he has become much happier and more confident. The once skinny elf has transformed into an extremely beautiful and strong adult. So glad to have helped make Dobby’s life happier.

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