Baby, please don’t worry, everything will be okay!


Dog used for hunting, Baby Winston is a podenco. Although the hunter wanted to get rid of him, we don’t know how his jaw was broken on both sides. He still has his whole life to live! Winston needs jaw surgery as soon as possible.

Four months old, already subjected to torture, and abandoned for dead… Nothing more than a broken tool to be thrown away or ignored by a hunter, Winston is nothing more than a tool. What is junk to one person, is treasure to another. Having our help, Winston will recover well after his surgery.Winston is now undergoing surgery… He cannot wait even though his mouth has necrotic tissue that could lead to post-operative problems. So, hold out your fingers and light some candles. It takes a lot of time and is difficult.
Winston’s health is excellent! After such a drawn-out and complex procedure, thorough checks are made to make sure everything is going according to plan. He’s happily exploring the hospital with no sign of infection. It was confirmed that everything is fine when he was put to sleep today for a comprehensive inspection. Winston, just get this done!This puppy is doing well with his circumstances and has (for the time being) adjusted to living in the clinic for his post-operative care. Winston’s progress is excellent! I’m hoping he can come over to the Great House soon and join us!
Winston has already left the hospital and is already in the Big House, where he has moved in. He is able to run and explore for the first time like a normal dog. As he explores and enjoys his new surroundings, it’s lovely to observe his delight.We hope this is the first of many adventures for him! For making this possible, I sincerely appreciate you.

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