After A Lot Of Pain, An Eyeless Dog That Was Used To Sell Her Young Finds A Happy Home

Nina was discovered dying, malnourished, and with eye problems; she was most likely used for reproduction and the sale of her offspring, but those days are long…

A Golden Retriever recognized his former Owner and could not stop crying after not seeing his Owner for 5 Years!

  This little one is receiving numerous hugs from me. Do not abuse this baby, please… A true angel, she is. Animals do have emotions, that’s really…

Blind Cat Leads Family to Her Kittens After Seeking Comfortable Home Her Whole Life

A blind cat led a family to her three kittens after seeking a comfortable home her whole life. Clue the cat mom and Candyland the kitten Late…

Dog Is Broken After His Adoption Falls Through, So He Stares At A Wall All Day

When March, the pit bull who was abandoned, was first rescued from the streets, he was a calm and content dog. The staff at the municipal animal…

Homeless and Heartbroken: Abandoned Blind Dog Finds Comfort in a Kind Stranger’s Embrace at the Landfill

  In particular, when it comes to medical emergencies, pet parents need to be ready for all kinds of unforeseen occurrences. While humans might be able to…

Cat ‘Handstand Walks’ All His Life, is So Glad to Be Safe and Lives for Endless Affection

A cat “handstand walks” all his life. He is so glad to be safe and now lives for endless affection. A black and white big-cheeked cat was…

‘Brоkеn’ Dоg Can’t Stоp Smiling Whеn Hе Rеalizеs Hе’s Finally Safе.

Sanford was formerly thought of as a “broken dog,” but these days he can’t stop grinning. Karen Velazquez, Sanford’s foster mother, claims he is the happiest dog…

Stray Puppy Can’t Stop Smiling After Being Rescued From The Streets, And The Video Goes Viral

  After being rescued from the streets, a sweet dog’s video clip with a smile and tail wag went viral. Layla, the dog, was seen wandering the…

Cat Whose Tongue Sticks Out Permanently, Finds a Family to Help Her and Ends Up Choosing Them

A cat whose tongue sticks out permanently, found a family to help her and ended up choosing them. Tortilla, a beautiful calico cat, was 13 years old…

The World’s Safest Baby: Protected by Three Giant Dogs

In a touching image of animal love and protection, we see the world’s safest infant surrounded by his furry protectors. Teddy, the youngster, is only two years…