After spending days alone on the streets, the dog wept with relief and gratitude when kind hands finally came to its aid

After spending days alone on the streets, the dog wept with relief and gratitude when kind hands finally came to its aid

A small puppy’s back leg is broken. A car struck her, injuring her. As she lay there, she was desperate, terrified, weeping, and in pain. As flies and maggots started to gnaw at the wound, she sobbed a lot.

The puppy is in terrible condition. The puppy still has a long way to go in life because he is so young.

It will be hard to forget these distressed eyes and the excruciating cries of the suffering puppy.

She was at the veterinary clinic. Molly suffered both the bubonic plague and leptospirosis.

Molly’s blood was given to her by the vets. ,, Molly’s procedure is still ongoing. She collapsed because she was so weak. Go Molly!

She’ll be alright, and everyone will be surprised by her quads. I have complete faith in this young, powerful, yet little dog. After getting better, Molly ate and went to bed. ”

Molly deserves nothing but the best. The girl has gone through a lot in her short five months of life.

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