A pregnant pit bull sacrifices her litter to save her owner’s daughter

A pregnant pit bull sacrifices her litter to save her owner’s daughter

This pit dog sacrificed her life to rescue her owners! Nong Horm was a great hero when she assaulted a snake in her family’s garden in Pathum Thani, central Thailand, but was killed by the snake’s venom.

Nong Horm was in the last stages of her pregnancy when she fearlessly confronted a monocled snake, one of the world’s most lethal.

Despite the snake’s near-life condition, the pitbull bit it on the lips, allowing the venom to operate fast and kill it.

The incident occurred swiftly, and the family was unable to interfere. The owner, Suriyon Chanthakhet, talked about the occurrence with profound regret. “Our wonderful dog was killed while defending us from the snake. My heart is broken. I’m sobbing simply thinking about how much misery she must have felt “he said

In the picture above, Suriyon laments the loss of her dog Nong Horm, asking, “Why did this tragic thing happen to you?” pups. Despite her tragic circumstances, Nong Horm was a great heroine.

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