A man saves 350 dogs, rescuing them from the streets and providing each one with love and a forever home

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A passing vehicle observed Violet the dog and many other dogs chained up with extremely thick metal chains that were not only restricting the dogs from roaming…

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HV-Sadly, owner-surrenders are fairly frequent in shelters nationwide. People return or abandon their dogs for numerous reasons, ranging from children’s allergies to financial difficulties to housing that…

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People all around the internet have been moved by the story of Celeste, a loving mother dog. Celeste was a serene, loving, and sweet child who was…

Today’s stillness feels like it’s swallowing my confidence whole. 😔🎂 Today is our birthday but we feel very sad because until now we still haven’t received any…

Today’s calm feels more like isolation, leaving me vulnerable to my fears. 😔🎂 Today is our birthday but we feel very sad because until now we still…

Today’s calm feels more like a void, pulling in all my insecurities. 😔🎂 Touching Tale: A Frail and Starving Dog, Left to Fend for Himself, Longs for…

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