A man rescues 350 dogs! He found these poor creatures on the streets and provided them with love and a forever home

Farid Mansurov, a resident of Baku, near the city, has created a shelter for  dogs, but not for just any dog, but for those with disabilities or injured. For this purpose he dedicated his country house, which has an area of ​​20 acres.

The shelter is called “Kind World.” The first patient was a dog who lost a leg in a car accident. The second was a small stray  puppy that Farid rescued from hunger and cold.

Today, the shelter is home to 350 four-legged friends.

Farid specifies the selection criteria for “Kind World.” The shelter takes in disabled animals, injured or sick dogs. They rescue those who have fallen into trouble.

In addition to visibly injured or sick dogs, the shelter also houses dogs with “internal” wounds, deep psychological traumas. For example, there are two German shepherds that Farid simply bought from their former owner. These dogs lived in terrible conditions and were tied to short chains that were no longer than half a meter.

Farid’s goal is not only to treat the dogs and restore their health, but also to restore their trust in humans.

Some parents instill disrespectful attitudes towards animals in their children from a young age, without recognizing the great sin of mistreating animals. Then, as Farid emphasizes, parents lament where so much cruelty towards their adult children comes from. On the contrary, children should be taught to love everything that surrounds us: nature, people and animals.

Anyone who wishes can adopt a dog from the shelter and take it home. The only condition is that you take good care of your new friend and love him.

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