A heroic dog saved its human from a devastating fire, using its own body as a shield

A heroic dog saved its human from a devastating fire, using its own body as a shield

Faithful Dog Sacrifices His Life to Rescue His Owner and Neighbor from a Fire That Ripped Through a House

Che doesn’t bark often. Neighbors knew something was awry when they heard the 80-pound Chow Chow-Labrador Retriever mix barking at 4:30 a.m. on a Sunday.

Che’s neighbors were able to discover the rowhouse fire in his residence before it spread to neighboring buildings and alerted the fire service because of him.

Firefighters swiftly extinguished the blaze and discovered Che unconscious on top of his owner, Andrea Bulat. Che refused to leave his owner’s side during the fire. Che and Bulat had to be revived using oxygen masks before being transported for further care.

Bulat is being treated at Temple University Hospital in critical condition. Che was being treated in an animal hospital, and vets were concerned that he would get pneumonia after seeing inflammation in his chest x-rays.

Fortunately, his health has improved sufficiently that he may be temporarily released to a friend of Bulat. Hopefully, this pooch will soon be reunited with the owner he refused to leave.

Would your dog remain by your side even if there was a fire? Do you consider Che to be a hero dog? Please let us know in the comments!

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