A dog who has never been inside before takes his first nap in a real bed

Sundae had spent her entire life in a junk-filled backyard and a freezing garage.

Country Roads Animal Rescue Society rescued the coonhound/Labrador retriever mix from a dog-hoarding situation in Oklahoma City, and she gave birth to a litter of puppies without ever entering a home.

That is, until her foster mom demonstrated the value of a warm bed. Sundae’s face lit up with relief as she lay down to rest.

Sundae was confident that she was safe.

Sundae’s foster mom, Mugglequeen, wrote on Reddit, “We’ve had her for about a week, and you’d never know she’s never been an indoor dog before.” “She’s completely potty trained, gentle, and polite indoors.”Mugglequeen gave Sundae her name because it seemed to suit her sweetness and the beautiful chocolate, vanilla, and caramel coloring on her face. Sundae was initially wary of men, but after her foster mom left a pair of her boyfriend’s shorts on the bed — Sundae’s favorite spot — she began to warm up to him.Sundae is now the most affectionate girl, constantly cuddling with her foster mom whenever she can. “She prefers to sleep as close to me as possible in bed,” Mugglequeen wrote. “I think she’s just making up for eight or so years of no affection.”

Sundae is finally getting the medical attention she deserves after going so long without it. Her veterinarian discovered that she is heartworm positive and needs dental work, but she is otherwise healthy. Sundae’s puppies are being cared for by other foster families, leaving her with nothing to do but wait for the right family to fall in love with her.“Her ideal family would have a very relaxed lifestyle and a lot of patience to help her continue to come out of her shell and gain confidence,” Mugglequeen explained. “She’ll be with me until she finds her ideal forever family!”

Hopefully, it won’t be long before someone adopts this sweet mama dog and gains a lifelong snuggle buddy.

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