A Dog Who Has Never Been Inside Before Takes His First Nap In A Real Bed

Sundae had lived her entire life in a garage and a backyard full of trash.

The coonhound/Labrador retriever mix was saved by Country Roads Animal Rescue Society from a dog hoarding scenario in Oklahoma City, and she gave birth to a litter of puppies without ever setting foot inside a house.

That is, until her foster mother demonstrated the value of a warm bed. As soon as Sundae settled down to rest, her face lit up with relief.

Sundae felt secure knowing she was secure.

Sundae’s foster mother, Mugglequeen, posted on Reddit, “We’ve had her for about a week, and you would never know that she’s never been an indoor dog before.” She is fully potty trained, quite kind, and exceedingly polite inside.

Mugglequeen gave her the name Sundae because she thought it suited her sweetness and the lovely chocolate, vanilla, and caramel colors on her face. Sundae was originally apprehensive of men, but she started to warm up to him after her foster mother put a pair of her boyfriend’s shorts on the bed, which was Sundae’s favorite location.

Sundae is currently the most cuddly child, cuddling with her foster mother all the time. Mugglequeen commented, “She loves to sleep as near to me in bed as possible. “I believe she is merely making up for eight or so years of lack of affection.”

After going so long without receiving the medical care she needs, Sundae is now receiving it. Although she is otherwise healthy, her vet found that she is heartworm positive and requires dental work. Other foster families are taking care of Sundae’s puppies, so her only remaining task is to wait for the ideal family to fall in love with her.

Mugglequeen said, “Her ideal family would have a very laid-back way of life and a lot of patience to help her continue to come out of her shell and acquire confidence.” She will remain under my care until she locates her ideal, lifelong family.

Hopefully, someone will adopt this adorable mother dog soon and gain a lifelong snuggling friend.

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