A distressed puppy collapsed in relief upon realizing he was finally free from the grip of starvation and disease

The presence of humans initially scared the puppy, but as the minutes passed, he developed confidence. Despite the days he had spent alone, he was in good health, but extremely unhappy.

Stray dogs have several challenges in order to live. However, there have been reports of cruel people abandoning them in situations from which they cannot escape.

An example of this was reported on the YouTube channel of a shelter named Animal House New, a rescue team that reacted to the call of some neighbors who discovered an abandoned puppy in an unoccupied house in their area.

The most heinous act of all was that the puppy was not only abandoned to its destiny, without food or water, but was also tied to one of the house’s doors.

The dog did not appear to be accompanied by anybody else. When the Animal House New team arrived on the scene with their cameras, they noted that the puppy appeared exhausted, depressed, and, most importantly, hungry.

Rescuers attempted to warm up to the dog, who was scared and did not readily open up to others.

They did, in fact, provide him some food and drink at first, but he didn’t eat anything. They used equipment to remove him from the thick shackles that were around his neck.

They then placed him into a pickup vehicle and took him to the veterinarian for an examination. Despite the difficulties he had to endure, the puppy appeared to be in fair health. The only thing that impacted him was a terrible sense of abandonment.

According to the shelter, their volunteers took care of caring for him and loving him, and his condition has been improving as the days reported. The spike can now play and move properly, something he couldn’t do previously.

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