A worker at a train station called the Paws Show. They said that a dog in bad shape was hiding out under the bridge at the station. She said that this poor dog has been here for three days, but he is not sure. They got there after traveling more than 100 kilometers and 2 hours.
“This young person was surrounded by sadness. The train hit him hard. That Husky man was very nice. He is having a hard time and probably will not be able to live much longer. So, we will try to save him any way we can.”
“We are headed to Vet. Surprisingly, he is a very nice man, and even pain does not scare him away. What should we do now that everything has happened? So therapy is the most important thing to do.”
He is at Vet. Everything went from bad to worse. The spine had been broken. But the worst problem now is that the intussusception has been squeezed, which was found on an ultrasound… This is a serious, life-threatening condition that kills many people. We call him Vova…
People thought Vova’s condition was very bad…
“Yesterday, on day two, Bova threw up twice. When I heard this, I shook. I was really scared that the baby could not take it anymore.”
After 20 days, he gets three times a week of physical therapy. He was helped to stand up, but he was still very weak.
About three months later, he was used to using the wheelchair. The first time he used it, he was still very confused. Today, the most valuable thing is that he is still alive. The baby was born again, and from now on, his life will be better. Thank you to everyone who helped this baby.