A trapped puppy’s cries for help go unanswered, underscoring the critical need for compassion and intervention in such situations

A trapped puppy’s cries for help go unanswered, underscoring the critical need for compassion and intervention in such situations

Weeks ago, a person told that this puppy’s owner died and his relatives kicked him out of house. He ran after passers-by, but no one picked him up.

He was running and accidentally fell into an open gutter. H was crying for help but no one cared for this poor boy and walked away.

A caring man contacted Animal Aid Unlimited India. Felix, the street dog, was laying in a gutter and crying out in pain when rescuers arrived.

“We received a call on our hotline from a puppy crying in pain,” Animal Aid Unlimited India says on YouTube. “We found him in an open gutter, crying out.”

“At first, we couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but we quickly found multiple serious wounds on his leg,” they said.

“We took him back to Animal Aid’s hospital and treated him for pain and infection, as well as cleaning and suturing the wounds.”

Felix was improving after two weeks of medical therapy and relaxation.

It didn’t take long for Felix to recover from the affection and care he received. “Within barely two weeks, this fearful youngster recovered and changed into a tiny love bug,” rescuers said.

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