A dog makes an emotional visit to the hospital to say goodbye to her dying owner

A dog makes an emotional visit to the hospital to say goodbye to her dying owner

Most people wind up saying goodbye to their  dogs as they pass over the Rainbow Bridge. In this case, the situation was reversed.

In a moment of compassion, a California hospital allowed a loyal  dog to visit of her dying owner.

Ryan woke up one day and went to work as usual.

Ryan Jessen thought he had a migraine, but the pain turned out to be caused by a ventricular brain hemorrhage.

He slipped into a coma,and brain scans showed that the damage to his brain was far too much for him to recover from.

Meanwhile, his beloved dog Mollie was at home, thinking that Ryan would come back at any time. Ryan’s family didn’t want Mollie to spend the rest of her life wondering why Ryan never came home from work that day.

“The hospital did the sweetest thing for us and allowed us to bring my brother’s dog in to ‘say goodbye’ so she’d know why her human never came home,” wrote Michelle Jessen.

“If you knew my brother, he really loved his sweet dog.”

And, don’t worry about the dog’s future. Added Michelle. “She’s part of the family.”


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