A puppy born with a deformed face finds a forever home with a family that cherishes him just the way he is

Although he is now as content as his videos and images depict, Arrow the dog had a tragic and traumatic beginning to life. Anyone who had saw him as a puppy in his tragic state would have pronounced him doomed.

But he never dreamed that fate would choose for him real angels as parents, who would accept and adore him despite his startling deformities.

When Arrow was a baby, he was in a terrible condition when he arrived at the doors of the animal rescue group PMM Rescue Inc. There, they found that his jaw had been horribly shattered as a result of a vicious bite he had sustained from another dog. Sadly, it was too late to save his lower right jaw.

It had a rotting corpse-like odor because it was so necrotic and diseased. Therefore, cutting out the dead bone was the only alternative. The only option left to the veterinarians was to completely remove the lower right side of the jaw and partially remove the upper right side.

The hero who spent hours performing the intricate and time-consuming surgery on Arrow was Dr. Sidhu of Bakersfield, California. He didn’t want to leave until he had lovingly taken care of the small puppy and saved Arrow’s life.

While the assault he endured left permanent scars on his young face, his attitude, which has been happy and cheerful since he was a child, is unaffected.

His tragic beginnings, but more importantly the great warrior and creature of light he has become because of the constant outpouring of love, are revealed in a wonderful video that made his tale famous.

Arrow enjoys eating, playing baseball, picking up new skills, and drinking water while creating the greatest messes. Although he prefers to cuddle, give slobbery kisses, take naps, sleep a little longer in the morning, and go on evening walks with his parents.

His family accepts him as he is, physical defect and any potential limits notwithstanding. Because despite being two years old, Arrow has never lost his puppy spirit. He has always been fun and energetic at all times of the day since he knows he is the most loved person in the house. As a result, he enjoys it and “does what he wants.”

Although his family is used to following him around the house, cleaning up after him every time he makes a mess, and picking up the hundreds of kibbles that spill out of his crooked mouth when he eats, his owner wouldn’t exchange him for anything.

The tale of this peculiar dog shows unequivocally that a person’s or a puppy’s true worth has nothing to do with their outward look. Nothing in the Little Prince’s quote, “What is

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