After Being Forsaken by Her Owner, She Spent 9 Long Years in Solitude, Surviving Alone in a Junkyard

Persephone Harrington called Hope For Paws after discovering an old, abandoned  dog hiding behind a dumpster in a junkyard. He was discovered by the emergency services under the container, in the muck, and amid the trash when they arrived. Rescuers discovered after speaking with locals that the dog had been abandoned after its owner was evicted nine years prior. He had been living on the streets by himself and wondered where his master was all these time.

He was given food by witnesses, but he needs so much more. Pheenie, also known as Josephine, is a naughty puppy in need of a loving home, particularly as she reaches her prime. Pheenie was given a thin rope around her neck by rescuers, who then watched to see how she would respond. Pheenie came out of the bottom of the shipping container, that soft, kind Pheenie. Pheenie was a unique historical animal, and upon closer examination, rescuers found that all of the enamel on her teeth had rotted and fallen out.

She was rushed right away to CARES, where she got the correct clinical attention and a desperately needed bath. He had discoschondylitis, the veterinarians found. That is a spinal cord infection. Additionally, she developed a severe oral infection and a urinary tract infection. Additionally, she had multiple mammary tumors, which is common in females who have not been spayed. Pheenie lay on the couch with cozy blankets after taking a bath. It was her first happy sleep in nine years, and she slept soundly.

Pheenie has been awarded a lifetime of care by LOS ANGELES Animal Rescue. She spent days walking, playing outside, running through the snow, and, for the first time in a very long time, falling in love. Pheenie at last understood what a dog’s life ought to be like. Pheenie passed away gently, near the hearth, five months after being saved. The lady who requested assistance, the HFP rescuers, High-Quality-Vet, and the Los Angeles staff are all to be thanked. Instead of passing her final months alone under a dumpster, Pheenie was able to live them to the fullest thanks to Animal Rescue.

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