A Golden Retriever and a Dolphin Exchange a Gentle Kiss, Spreading Smiles and Warmth Across Social Media

A Heartwarming Scene: A Golden Retriever and a Dolphin Exchange a Gentle Kiss, Spreading Smiles and Warmth Across Social Media

That is the case with Gunner and Delta, whose bond has touched the hearts of people all across the internet.

The Dolphin Research Center is a marine life refuge in Florida that offers dolphin rescue and rehabilitation. Delta, one of their inmates, has developed a particular friendship with a dog named Gunner throughout the years.

According to the organization, the two animals have been best friends since Gunner was an 8-week-old puppy and Delta was 7 years old.

Gunner and Delta are now 7 and 10 years old, yet they are still going strong and were just reunited on the sanctuary’s lifestream.

Their tale went viral after it was shared on Twitter by the renowned WeRateDogs account.

People fell in love with the endearing animal couple. Every time they’re together, they appear to recognize and greet each other tenderly.

According to the facility, they are pet-friendly, and staff members frequently bring their dogs to visit.

What a sweet friendship! We hope these two remain great friends for many years to come. Please share this lovely tale!

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