A heartwarming scene unfolds as a compassionate dog tenderly comforts a sick baby deer found on his owner’s ranch

Man’s best friend, dogs, are known for their ability to help those in need. Their kind and caring souls are ready to help and comfort all the helpless creatures, they encounter. This selfless dog helped a baby deer who was injured on his owner’s ranch by comforting it.

Pat Pollifrone is the Zoey’s human, who found his dog sitting next to a fawn on his property.

Dog didn’t want to leave the hopeless little deer’s side, until the support arrived. The musician released the deer back to the wilds, but the next morning, he found the fawn again laying in the driveway.

Pat had to think that the baby deer might  be in trouble, and she was looking for a help. In fact, he was right. The little creature had some health problems, her eyes were infected.

Pat named her Bambi and started to take care of her.  The beautiful fawn was fed with goat milk. Her eye infection looked a lot better after Pat has pulled out some ticks.

His dog Zoey was next to Bambi all the time, he befriended her from the first sight he saw her. The little deer was wandering around Pat’s yard every day, and her furry companion followed her everywhere.

He was so caring and gentle with her, cuddling her and licking her all the time. Their special relationship was so incredible and heartwarming.

Pat had no choice but to help the sick fawn get on her feet. He sought help at several shelters and rescue centers, but unfortunately was turned away for various reasons.

Pat found Bambi a good home on a goat farm, where she would have a peaceful and nice life. Eventually, she was well, her eyes were healthy, and her ticks had disappeared. Bambi was waiting to be adopted, and Pat happily found her a perfect home.

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